the feel good bucket
It’s a heart-pumping, 10 minute walk up a hill from my house to this beautiful, quiet trail. Because of all the rain, the last few months have been magical - continuous streams running, tall, thick grass, vibrant flowers and the best part… it’s a trail, unpaved … and there are hardly any other people on it.
Since our trail systems closed a few months ago, I’m present to how grateful I am that I don’t have to drive anywhere to be out in nature. Even though it’s been raining a ton, I can take this walk every day with Kona, my 8 year old mutt.
When I leave the house to take Kona on a walk, 9/10 he guides me towards this trail. I let him off leash and he and I can both be in nature, uninhibited, unrestrained and free.
On this amazing trail, is also the most epic ocean vista. Again, it’s quiet. The only ruckus are the birds, and if the wind is blowing just right, the sound of the ocean waves can be heard from my own private lookout.
As I was out on my walk today, I recalled there was a day that I didn’t know of this lookout…and there has been everyday since.
But I don’t remember when that shift happened. I don’t remember the day that I noticed the small trail to the right of my always-travelled trail and said, “I wonder where this goes?”
And now, everyday since that day… I always have a choice to make of which path to travel.
Somedays, I didn’t give myself enough time to make the short little climb up and down to get my ocean fix.
Somedays, I take the time to sit on the bench and stare out to the sea. And my first thought whenever I sit down is, “I cannot believe I crossed that whole ocean.” And when I take the time to sit, I take the time to watch the current and the wind. There is something about the flow of water that is so mesmerizing, and the color of the ocean, even on the dark cloudy days, that gets me into a mood of curiosity and wonder.
So, if those lovely feelings and thoughts come every time I sit on that bench, why don’t I take the time to sit everyday?
How is it that I so quickly forget the magical emotions that come to the surface when I’m out in nature seeing the vastness of our world?
Because, like you, I’m human.
The same human that doesn’t jump right out of bed the night after having a few glasses of wine… and remembers, in that moment, that wine never supports me sleeping well and sure doesn’t help me spring right out of bed. The same human that goes to bed saying, “I’m going to 6am yoga tomorrow,” and then opts to skip the 5am alarm when it’s going off.
But when I do go those few nights in a row without a sip of wine, and attend yoga several days in a row, and I make it to the top of my vista, I know I 100% will always feel better.
We all have those things we know make us feel better. We also know what makes us feel worse. Wherever you are in your awareness journey, keep spending more time putting deposits into the feel better bucket. Then pay attention, you’ll likely keep adding more to that bucket and even find more things you love to do.