Adrienne Smith Adrienne Smith

Finally, it’s just us

Before our team pushed off from the dock in Sausalito, we spent a week together getting everything finalized. We were going to spend an unknown length of time living at sea and there was still a lot of things to complete to ensure we were safe and as comfortable as possible.

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Adrienne Smith Adrienne Smith

The dawn of a new day

What is it about the sunrise and sunset that causes our soul to stir?

When I ponder something, I like to close my eyes and picture ‘the thing’ and then feel what my body feels like. When I picture the dawn, I almost always feel myself take a big breath without telling myself to do it.

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Adrienne Smith Adrienne Smith

Using water for reflection

I experienced deep feels from the moment I got wind of this adventure on September 24, 2021.

Since saying yes, I have felt more awareness of my inner world than I ever did in the thousands of hours I’ve spent at yoga trainings.

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